Monday, 9 January 2017

The will of God

 version 2

The sermon on 3 John 2 is talking about the willing of God to his people, it concerns the Christians. The willing of God for Christians is that their prosper in their life. It means that all may go well with Christians. And their may be in a good health, because God knows, even if you prosper in your life, in your business but if you aren't in a good health, you can't rejoice over your life. But, to be really prosper and in a good health, it depends the prosperity of your soul. God want to tell to his people that witch one would like to be prosper must prepare his soul, must find the life of sanctification. The prosperity of people of God depends of the sanctification of their soul. The spiritual precedes the physique.

 version 1

The sermon on 3 John2 talking about the willing of God to his people, it concerns the Christians. The willing of God for Christians is that their prosper in their life. It means that all may go well with Christians. And their may be in a good health, because God knows, even if you prosper in your life, in your business but if you aren't in a good health, you can't rejoice over your life. But, to be really prosper and in a good health, it depends the prosperity of your soul. God want to tell to his people that witch one would like to be prosper must prepare his soul, must find the life of sanctification. The prosperity of people of God depends of the sanctification of their soul. The spiritual precedes the physique.