Monday, 1 May 2017

Great inequality between rich and poor in Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ).

Great inequality between rich and poor in Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC )

               My country the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) is among the richest countries in the world in terms of fauna and minerals. However, the Congolese people are the poorest in the world. The majority of people are unemployed and poorest because the economy of the country is down, and those who lead the government are working for their own interest and not that of nation. And they become very rich people. So the inequality between rich and poor people is now wider than it has ever been before.

               Poverty is the severe deprivation  of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, education, and information. It depends not only on income but on access to work. In my country, getting a job is not easy. Good jobs where you can earn good money are for the rich families and their relatives because their recommendation is required for these jobs. On the other hand, the poorest Congolese can get in government or work a physical hard job where the wage is very low. Teaching job is reserved for the poor people because of the low wage. Issues like hunger, illness and unemployment are all causes and effect of poverty. That is to say, not having food every day means being poor. Education is typically seen as a means to reduce inequality. All most all children who cannot go to school are from poor families. Poor people are disadvantaged by the government. Their schools system is disorganized and chaotic. Classrooms lack basic things like desks and chairs. Teachers might not paid and wage is very low.

               DRC is wealthy country, which offers many opportunities for profitable investment in range of sectors. But investment in my country failed to improve life for the poor those richest people to become enriched. The rich families are the one who get a good education. So it helps them, once then finish school, to be employed easily where they can earn a lot of money. The way of work is corruption, they make a pots of money with their investment because of corruption. So they benefit from a corruption tax system.

               Rich people in my country get richer even as poverty grows and inequality deepens every day. The gap between rich and poor is bigger than in any other poor country, but most people are resigned to the circumstances, and they are unhappy about the economy. We cannot merely know what the facts are, dramatic as they might be, we need to take money from the rich and transfer it to the poor. We need to discover what political strategie might best confront the underlying forces that generate inequality.

Debonheur Nsilulu.

1 comment:

  1. A great start, Debonheur! Do watch out for plagiarism.
    Would you like to rewrite this in your own words, reflecting your own phrases and feelings based on your personal experience? That can be your Version 2 for next week :)
